Lights, Camera, Action!

My Starring Role in Gym Etiquette Comedy

I took on the challenge of addressing gym etiquette issues head-on but with a playful twist! I wrote, directed, edited, and starred in a series of reels showcasing common gym faux pas in a humorous light. The response from our members has been overwhelmingly positive, with many sharing their own funny stories and even suggesting ideas for future videos.

Getting lost in your feed

This reel uses a hilarious timelapse to showcase the frustrating experience of waiting for someone engrossed in their phone while leisurely occupying a piece of exercise equipment.

Respect the Space

In this lighthearted reel, I tackle the common gym pet peeve of phone conversations on cardio equipment, showcasing the importance of respecting everyone’s workout space with a touch of humor.

Fragrance Overload

Capturing the perfect “fragrance overload” moment for this gym etiquette reel took some dedication! Two takes and a whole lot of deodorant later, we nailed it. Check it out for a lighthearted reminder to be mindful of scents in shared spaces.